Creating attractive living spaces
Technological innovation that supports the creation of attractive living spaces

The Haseko Group has built a unique research and development system to take on new challenges so as to realize the creation of housing that allows residents to live comfortably and safely for a long time.

The Haseko Group’s research and development system

With the goal of realizing the creation of housing that allows residents to live comfortably and safely for a long time, Haseko Corporation Technical Research Institute takes on the challenge of research and development and performance testing of various features for housing complexes such as lengthening the lifespan of buildings, enhancing seismic resistance, and addressing environmental issues including CO2 emissions reduction, in order to constantly respond to the emerging needs of customers and society.

Haseko’s manufacturing DNA

Haseko began building condominiums in the late 1960s.
Throughout our history spanning over 50 years, we have taken on new challenges daily and generated a wide range of developments.

One thing has remained constant, however:
Our unwavering belief in achieving security for families and good quality housing.

Our technology is created from the repetition of basic tasks, in which new ideas arise from seeing the same, simple starting point in a new light, and translating the new ideas into reality.
Haseko’s manufacturing DNA continues to be inherited by each and every employee.

Diagram of research system
Diagram of research system

Technological developments relating to buildings and equipment

We believe that a sense of ease and comfort that people can feel can be created through daily, repeated experimentation and testing.
The Haseko Technical Research Institute recreates actual condominiums as “experimental housing units” used for research and development in order to ensure the research is carried out in an actual living environment.
We continually refine our housing technology in an environment that is identical to actual condominiums. We test how sound is transmitted within units, how piping deteriorates, and how solar power or other forms of natural energy can be utilized, along with other ideas that can be used in future renovations, to name a few.

Initiatives for internal and external features to improve housing performance

  • Development of internal features that enhance variability
  • Development of external features that account for durability and updateability
  • Development of sound insulation, heat insulation, ventilation and other technologies to improve the quality of living
  • Development of products that enhance convenience and comfort
  • Development of construction methods for renewing and repairing piping and utility lines
  • Initiatives for adopting natural energy
  • Development of technology for renovating internal and external features

Building-wide air conditioning heat exchange system for residential condominium units

Haseko Corporation, Prime Life Technologies, and Panasonic Construction Engineering have jointly developed the withair®CUBE building-wide air conditioning heat exchange system for residential condominium units.
Air conditioning equipment such as air conditioners, which have been installed in each unit, are now centralized in a single location. By centrally managing one high-efficiency room air conditioner, it is possible to maintain a largely uniform temperature in each unit, and the system is expected to be effective as a heatstroke countermeasure. The system is also equipped with an advanced air cleaning function, which prevents pollen and dust from entering units and cleans the air during circulation while air is supplied. We will actively propose the adoption of this system so as to realize a comfortable environment in residential units.

System features: Comfortable heating/air cleaning function/humidifier function/comfortable sleeping mode/energy-saving

Concept diagram of building-wide air conditioning heat exchange system for residential condominium units
Related information

Haseko Corporation Technical Research Institute (Japanese only)

Integrated design and construction BIM contributes to DX

Haseko Corporation developed the HASEKO-version BIM, a 3D design technology adapted specifically for condominiums. The HASEKO-version BIM has been in use since 2012, and was established as the operational system for 100% of all new design projects commenced in fiscal 2020. In fiscal 2021, it was likewise deployed across 100% of construction sites. At present, we are expanding its use in sales activities, and plan to continue its progressive roll-out across various domains of the Haseko Group as a whole, such as maintenance management/renovation.
Further, among DX initiatives, we are developing a next-generation production system that uses the HASEKO-version BIM as a database. We established a new Digital Technology Lab in 2020 and using the latest digital technologies, we are researching and developing more advanced design and construction methods.

The digital transformation (DX) of the Haseko Group

The Haseko Group has undertaken digital transformation (DX) so as to achieve more than ever before as a “corporate group for housing to create great living.” We will leverage our collective capabilities as a group to create new value in housing and living, through initiatives to realize safer, more secure, and more comfortable homes, improving productivity in the design and construction of housing complexes using the newest technology and enhancing residents’ quality of life.

We have published the HASEKO DX Report (2024 edition) which summarizes the Haseko Group’s DX strategy and specific initiatives.

HASEKO DX Report(2024)

Related information

Group-wide DX promotion system

The Haseko Group has established the DX Promotion Committee to promote DX across the Group by maximizing the Group’s collective capabilities. The Committee is chaired by the President of Haseko Anesis, the company that serves as the Group’s incubator, and its members are composed of the Presidents of the various Group companies. With the launch of the Group’s DX Promotion Review Committee and Theme-based Working Groups (“WG”) to drive execution, organizational initiatives have been making progress.
Alongside the WGs, we are supporting the DX challenges of each group company and conducting testing of generative AI and other new technologies. In addition, we are creating a platform to connect the information assets accumulated by our various group companies and are exploring the feasibility of utilizing the data. Furthermore, given that enhancing employees’ mindsets and skills is important if we are to achieve digital transformation, we have established the DX Academy and are engaged in efforts to develop human resources for DX.

DX Academy: Changing employees’ mindsets to promote DX

We began the DX Academy with the goal of transforming the mindsets of all group employees and improving their understanding of the topic.
In order to realize a future where we can provide rich living and housing through DX, we are focusing on changing mindsets and raising literacy levels for all our employees while also nurturing human resources to drive our DX projects.

DX Academy initiatives
  • ・1st phase: Implementation of the “DX Mindset Changing Program” for fostering DX mindsets and imparting basic information. The program was administered to all group officers and employees.
  • ・2nd phase: Implementation of the “Innovation Leader Development Program” for developing DX promotion leaders in each of our companies and divisions. The program was administered to selected mid-level and young employees.
  • ・3rd phase: Implementation of the “DX Literacy Course” and “DX Seminar” targeted at management covering methods for evaluating DX ideas and their role in bringing these ideas to fruition. These programs were administered to management-level employees who lead the organization.
  • ・4th phase: Implementation of “Haseko DX Training” for imparting the fundamentals of DX and the ways of thinking required to make it a reality, raising and updating the overall level of DX literacy of the Group as a whole. The program was administered to all employees and officers (from June to July 2024).

Promoting DX at construction sites

Through proactive ICT technological initiatives and working in close collaboration with cooperating companies, Haseko Corporation aims to raise productivity and achieve labor savings for itself as well as its cooperating companies.
RFID tags are used in installation tests. In a ball-passing test system using RFID for drainpipes, the time of an RFID-tagged ball’s insertion and retrieval are recorded using a reader, and the logged duration is saved to the cloud. By pulling the data into reports in this manner, we have achieved reductions in the amount of labor spent on testing and reporting.
In addition, since April 2021, we have deployed the DandALL system for scheduling delivery and uploading of equipment and materials as well as the SPIDERPLUS system for sharing drawings across all sites. Information that could only be accessed by returning to the office can now be checked using devices such as smartphones and iPads. By significantly reducing the amount of time required for transportation and sharing the same set of information with our staff and employees of cooperating companies, we have reduced the amount of rework.
We are currently verifying the reductions in labor and efficiency gains at sites that have fully adopted the BIM* and DX models.
*BIM: Building Information Modeling. BIM is a design method in which a 3D model of a building is built using computers.

Installation testing using RFID tags
Using SPIDERPLUS to point out issues immediately at the point of inspection

ICT condominium

By harnessing the power of ICT (information and communications technology), including sensor networks, AI and cloud service applications, we are promoting the creation of high-value-added condominiums. We have implemented a variety of cutting-edge technologies to make everyday life more convenient and comfortable, such as facial recognition auto-locks for common and private entrances, parcel delivery boxes, and an app for residents that is linked to the weather and earthquake sensors installed in the building.
The different types of digital data acquired from the ICT condominiums are collected and analyzed as “living information” on the BIM & LIM Cloud information platform, and then combined with BIM data to create new value, such as improving the convenience of residents and extending the lifespan of the building.

Conceptual diagram of LIM (Living Information Modeling)

*The information above may be changed without prior notice.

Summary of Haseko’s ICT condominium projects

This table can be scrolled

Project name Building type Location Year/month of completion
Feel I Residence Rental condominium for students (new construction) Itabashi-ku, Tokyo February 2020
RENAI FLATS TANIMACHI4-CHOME Rental condominium (new construction) Chuo-ku, Osaka City October 2021
ComRezi Akabane Mixed-use rental condominium (new construction) Kita-ku, Tokyo February 2022
WORVE Tokyo Kiba Rental condominium (new construction) Koto-ku, Tokyo December 2022
Bransiesta Urayasu Rental condominium (new construction) Urayasu-shi, Chiba February 2023
Feel G Residence Rental condominium for students (new construction) Kobe-shi, Hyogo February 2023
WORVE OSAKA HONMACHI Rental condominium (new construction) Chuo-ku, Osaka City March 2023
BRANCHEILE KURAMAE Senior residence (new construction) Taito-ku, Tokyo March 2023
Sustainabranche Hongyotoku Rental condominium (existing) Ichikawa-shi, Chiba September 2023 (completion of renovation works)
BRANCHEILE MEGURO Senior residence (new construction) Meguro-ku, Tokyo October 2023
Feel K Residence Rental condominium for students (new construction) Kumamoto-shi, Kumamoto February 2024
WORVE Naha Izumizaki Rental condominium (new construction) Naha-shi, Okinawa July 2024

As of March 29, 2024

Demonstrations of ICT services in existing for-sale condominiums

Haseko Corporation, Haseko Anesis, Haseko Reform, and the SOUTH ALL CITY housing estate condominium management association have collaboratively introduced ICT services to the SOUTH ALL CITY condominium (a 791-unit property) on a demonstration basis. While these services have been introduced primarily in rental condominiums to date, this is the first time they have been introduced at an existing for-sale condominium.
The services were installed during the large-scale repair works undertaken by Haseko Reform. Through technology such as the “MyLim”* app for residents and digital signage, we provided residents with updated information on the construction works and the status of services.
We will continue to bring more convenience to residents and increase the value of condominiums through initiatives for proposing ICT services in order to optimize living.
*A proprietary app developed by Haseko that enables users to check information gathered from various connected sensors.

ICT services that have been introduced

・Information relating to construction work: digitalization of repair works

・Information relating to housing: face recognition systems; systems for checking crowd status

・Information relating to condominium repairs and management: weather sensors (weather data)/accelerometers (earthquake data)

・Latest announcements: the “MyLim” app for residents; signage; transmission through in-unit TVs

The Haseko Living Metaverse Project
Metaverse Model Room Tour has been introduced as the first phase of the project

We have launched the Haseko Living Metaverse Project, in which the latest metaverse technology is used to create “the future norm for housing and lifestyle.” In the first phase of the project, we introduced the Metaverse Model Room Tour which aims to increase customer satisfaction levels during the condominium consideration stage.
The service allows users to tour a reproduction of the condominium unit and common facilities recreated in the metaverse space on the web, using a computer, smartphone or other devices. The properties in the metaverse space are created from BIM data*, realistically reproducing the layout, equipment, furniture, interior textures, and other characteristics. Potential customers can visualize what it is like to live in the property, regardless of time or place, and view the interior of the building while communicating with sales staff. Currently, this service is available for the BRANCHERA Yokohama Seya and BRANCHERA Kawasaki Oshima.
*BIM data: a 3D building model designed with a computer

Examples from the BRANCHERA Kawasaki Oshima Metaverse Model Room Tour

Building a living space and smart home system based on knowledge from the field of sleep medicine

Together with the NTT East group and Brain Sleep, we are testing a “home for good sleep” approach to improving residents’ day-to-day performance using sleep quality.
Experimental units in Sustaina Branche Hongyotoku (a property with 36 units) have been outfitted as living spaces featuring optimal temperature and humidity settings, interior walls that have been converted to wood, and other characteristics intended to improve sleep quality based on the latest sleep medicine knowledge. We have synthesized hard and soft parameters to create an environment that improves sleep quality by developing a smart home system that uses a sleep measurement API provided by the NTT East group. In addition, we verify the effectiveness of these features by gathering residents’ sensing data and periodic surveys.
Through this experiment, we aim to provide each of our residents with optimal living spaces from the perspective of sleep and to improve their well-being.

Key aspects of the “home for good sleep” experiment

1. Optimization of circadian rhythm*1 using sleep tech*2:lighting in each residential unit is adjusted using lighting controls, and the amount of sunlight entering the unit is adjusted using curtain and blind controls.

2. Building an environment with comfortable temperature, humidity, and air: temperature and humidity are adjusted using construction methods, insulation, etc. Air conditioning is managed using a building-wide air conditioning system.

3. Relaxation effects using color and sound: Relaxation effects are incorporated by using colors conducive to sleep on the walls and playing music conducive to sleeping/waking up.

4. Relaxation effects using wood: Relaxation effects are provided by touching wooden crosses and inhaling the fragrance of wood.

*1 The body’s internal rhythm over an approximately 24-hour cycle.
*2 Machines, systems, and services that scientifically enhance or improve sleep by monitoring and analyzing sleep conditions using IoT machines and AI technology.