Building a company worth working at
Supply chain
We will continue working to create a safe and productive workplace built on the relationship of trust with our partner companies and other suppliers.
Haseko Group’s supply chain
The strength of Haseko Group’s condominium business lies in its unique business model based on exclusive contracts under which land is provided, as well as the Group’s collective capabilities in terms of identifying customers’ needs through sales, management, repair, etc., passing this information on in the form of feedback, and reflecting it effectively in business proposals, product planning, design and construction quality.
Development takes a long period of time, and involves diverse stakeholders. In particular, we have established a highly efficient and precise execution supervision system to pursue quality jointly with our business partners, i.e., cooperating companies with whom we build high-quality condominiums.

Haseko Value Enhancement Activities driven by framework of cooperation among "four bodies"
Framework of cooperation among "four bodies"
Haseko Corporation is in charge of building condominiums with a high degree of precision through the combined efforts of the “four bodies” (i.e., the construction divisions, design divisions and technological promotion divisions of Haseko Corporation as well as “Ken-ei-kai,” an organization of business partners consisting of approximately 300 major cooperating companies). This cooperative relationship has continued for more than 25 years, and our quality control framework built on strong ties is a strength that no other company has.
Our activities in pursuit of growth are conducted together with organizations of business partners, namely: “Koshokai” and “Koshokai Kansai” at Haseko Community, Inc.; “Tokyo Juyukai” and “Kansai Juyukai” at Haseko Reform, Inc.; “Tokyo Kenshokai” and “Kansai Kenshokai” at Fuji Kensetsu Co., Ltd; and “Shinwakai” at Hosoda Corporation.

Haseko Value Enhancement Activities
Value enhancement activities are activities to provide high-quality condominiums with the aim of clarifying the responsible construction scope, saving labor and improving work efficiency and improving the Haseko brand based on cooperation between the technology-related divisions and Ken-ei-kai. Activities that are currently being promoted include initiatives to improve operational efficiency through the utilization of cutting-edge technologies as well as initiatives to further boost productivity aimed at instilling activities toward "Workstyle Reform," which may be regarded as an industry-wide challenge. The outcome of activities are shared at the "Debriefing Session on Value Enhancement Activities" held once a year, in pursuit of "succession," "widespread acceptance" and "collaboration" at a deeper level.
In fiscal 2020, we prepared a video in celebration of the 30th anniversary of our Haseko Value-Up initiatives to look back on the history of the efforts and provide an overview of future prospects including DX.
In and after fiscal 2021, we have made further progress on digitizing analog data at construction sites and promoted activities for shifting the process itself to digital. In addition, we newly established the “BCP Subcommittee” to address matters such as natural disasters while the existing “CSR Subcommittee” actively promotes initiatives such as environmental conservation, SDGs and decarbonization.

Collaborative approach with business partners
Promotion of DX at construction sites
For more information related to the promotion of DX at construction sites, click the link below.
Promoting the introduction of “Construction Career Up System” to pass on the skills within the construction industry
The “Construction Career Up System” is a private-public scheme developed by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, the Japan Federation of Construction Contractors, the Associated General Contractors of Japan, the Federation of Specialized Construction Contractors, and the National Federation of Construction Workers’ Union, among others. Haseko Corporation regards this system as an epoch-making infrastructure that improves the treatment of on-site technicians and allows them to envision future career paths, and is therefore actively promoting its introduction.
The system issues each technician a chip card (“Construction Career Up Card”) on which his/her employment history and other information can be stored following an industry-wide uniform rule, with the aim of creating a mechanism in which technicians are evaluated in a fair and appropriate manner.
Haseko Corporation introduced the system in April 2019 and has achieved a 100% registration rate among our work sites in August of the same year. In fiscal 2023, we achieved nearly all items of the targeted goal set by the Japan Federation of Construction Contractors. We will continue working to achieve 100% rates in both company and technician registrations within fiscal 2024.
Hosting opinion exchange dialogues of female technicians
Haseko Corporation is holding opinion exchange dialogues between female technicians from worak places and the staff (members of the Value Enhancement Committee and the Workstyle Reform Subcommittee) on a regular basis.
The dialogue, under the theme of “honest opinions about worksites from women’s point of view,” is held in a roundtable-style to exchange views in a positive manner and invite requests regarding worksite facilities and equipment and worries and difficulties specific to women, among others. Based on the valuable views presented at each dialogue, we hold consultations with relevant divisions, implement improvements, and apply it to other sections, and work towards the betterment of the work environment.
- Sustainability TOP
- Message from the Management
- Message from the Officer in Charge of Sustainability Promotion
- Haseko Group's Sustainability Management
- Climate Change Response
- The Digital Transformation Strategy of the Haseko Group
- D&I at the Haseko Group
- Creating attractive living spaces
- Building a company worth working at
- Protecting the precious environment
- Nurturing a culture of trust
- ESG Data and Disclosures
- Integrated Report
- Philosophy and Policies
- Special feature archives