Building a company worth working at
We will nurture a workplace where a diversity of employees can flourish, and where safety and productivity are high. Employees with advanced technological skills and know-how in the field of housing and living will work in passionate teamwork, and in collaboration with our cooperating companies, to create communities today and in the future.
Materiality of “Building a Company Worth Working At”
- Human Capital
(diversity & inclusion, human resources development) - Under the key theme of “getting the most out of their qualities”, we will promote the creation of an environment that respects the diversity of employees who work in the Haseko Group and enables each and every employee to make the most of his/her individuality at work.
- Human Capital
- A safe and healthy working environment
- We are endeavoring to enhance the health of all persons involved in our business by giving consideration to safety and health at the workplace so that they can play an active role by demonstrating their capabilities.
Initiatives at a Glance
Approach 01
- Enabling the flourishing
of diverse talent -
- Promoting Diversity & Inclusion
- Active participation of senior personnel
- Creating pleasant workplaces
See this initiative
Approach 02
- A safe and healthy working environment
- Toward the realization of a safe and healthy working environment
- Promoting health
- Initiatives on labor issues
See this initiative
Approach 03
- Personnel development and technology succession
See this initiative
- Sustainability TOP
- Message from the Management
- Message from the Officer in Charge of Sustainability Promotion
- Haseko Group's Sustainability Management
- Climate Change Response
- The Digital Transformation Strategy of the Haseko Group
- D&I at the Haseko Group
- Creating attractive living spaces
- Building a company worth working at
- Protecting the precious environment
- Nurturing a culture of trust
- ESG Data and Disclosures
- External Evaluations and Awards
- Integrated Report
- Philosophy and Policies
- Special feature archives